Easily generate your Nepal Passport photos online using our service

You’ll just have to upload a photo, from your smartphone. We will transform it into a sized passport photo that complies with all official regulations. We assure you of 100% acceptance for your photos.

NP passport photo
45mm 35mm 32.5mm 3mm

Source: official website ru.nepalembassy.gov.np

Get photo for: Nepal passport 35x45 mm

Step 1/4

Tools based on artificial intelligence

Key Features

Auto Cropping Tool

Adjust your photo to meet the Nepal Passport size automatically through our tool.

Detailed Document Requirements

Access comprehensive photo specifications.

Photo Tutorial Step-by-Step

Follow our detailed instructions to capture the perfect photo.

Guaranteed Government Photo Compliance

Our online service ensures the security and confidentiality of your data. We employ intelligence to process photos from your phone for official government documents ensuring they adhere to all necessary standards.

Create Your Nepal Passport Photos Easily

A high-quality photograph is essential for any application aiding immigration officials in verifying your identity. By adhering to the provided guidelines, you can effortlessly capture this photo at home using a smartphone or digital camera. Learn how below!

Steps, for Generating Nepal Passport Photos Online

If you want to create your photo, for a Nepal Passport without having to book an appointment with a photographer here's what you can do

  1. Choose Document Type. Visit PhotoGov.com and select the document type you need the photo for such as a passport or visa.
  2. Take and Upload Your Photo. Snap a picture. Upload it to our Nepal Passport photo creator. Make sure to follow the guidelines for creating a photo.
  3. Enhance Your Photo. Use our platform to touch up your photo ensuring it meets requirements like lighting and proper centering.
  4. Save Your Photo. Your image is now good to go as a file.

*Data from government agencies

Rules and Dimensions for a Nepal Passport

To get your Nepal Passport application, it's crucial to adhere to these photo specifications

Photogov.com Prize Icon

Fresh Picture

Taken within the month.


35x45 mm.


Light colored and simple

Facial Expression

Neutral expression, with full face visibility.

No Headwear

Unless worn for purposes.

Official Basic and Main Technical Requirements:

Layout, size and scale by indentation for the NP passport
  • Name of document Nepal passport 35x45 mm
  • Country Nepal
  • Type of document Passport
  • Quality 600 DPI
  • Background color White
  • Image definition parameters Correct for requirements
  • Printable Yes
  • Suitable for online submission No

Technical Requirements

If you are processing the photo yourself using Photoshop or other services
Size should be 35x45 mm.
Photos must be in color with an off-white background.
Resolution should be between 600 to 1200 DPI, with a file size ranging from 1 MB to 15 MB.
When taking the photo wear clothes. Avoid uniforms camouflage outfits, head coverings and glasses.

Image Quality and Background

Make sure your photo is clear and focused without any blur, noise or pixelation.
Use a background without any shadows for your photo.

How to Capture Your Own Nepal Passport Photo

1. Preparation

Find a lit area, with a background.1. When capturing the photo make sure there are no shadows wear attire and stand up straight. Use a tripod. Have someone take the picture from a distance of 5-7 feet.

How to take selfies for a passport

Clean background. More light. Not a blurry photo.
Watch "How to take a photo" (00:46)

2. Upload

Upload your image to PhotoGov AI for editing and enhancement.

Upload your passport photo to PhotoGov Upload your passport photo to PhotoGov

3. Receive

Receive your visa photo ready, for use after downloading it.


Photography Tips for Babies and Children

For newborns - place them on a sheet.
For infants - position them in a chair against a backdrop. If they can't support their head gently hold it up behind the sheet to ensure no one else is visible in the frame.

PhotoGov Features

Our online visa photo tool provides functions to assist you in creating a photo
Crop and resize Adjust new visa photos to meet proper size requirements.
Background removal Create a neutral background if one is not available.
Auto adjustment Enhance brightness, color and contrast with just one click.

Printing Your Photo

Print your visa picture, on matte or glossy photo paper. Seek printing services if necessary.


  • You only have to submit one photo along with your application. Make sure it is quality and meets all the specifications. Depending on the document you may need photos so be sure to double check the number required before submitting your application.
  • If you opt for photo services at a pharmacy, shipping center or retail store with photography facilities expect to pay $15. Hiring a photographer will likely cost more. Prices may vary.
  • Don't forget that PhotoGov provides photography services for passports and other documentation. Using our platform also saves you from the hassle of taking your picture in person.
  • The best way to guarantee compliance is by reviewing the State Departments requirements. You can also utilize a passport photo template to ensure positioning of your head and distance from the camera. Essential requirements include Maintaining an expression. Following the dress code guidelines. Ensuring quality, in the picture. Steering clear of any alterations to the photo.
  • To capture a document photo, for a Nepal passport make sure the lighting is even avoiding any shadows use a plain white or plain white or other light backdrop and snap a high-resolution image with a neutral expression. Online services are available to edit and format the photo according to specifications.
  • Your photo should be taken within the six months to reflect your appearance accurately. Using a photo may lead to delays or denials in your application.
  • Indeed, there are applications specifically designed to help you capture passport and visa photos that meet the criteria.
  • To obtain a finished document photo follow these steps on the PhotoGov website Upload your photo. Complete all processing steps. Make payment for the service fee using your bank card. Upon payment completion you will receive a resolution photo sent directly to your email. PhotoGov ensures that your photo adheres to document requirements ensuring its quality and acceptance. If you offer photo editing services simply input your email address. Your edited photo will be delivered to your inbox within 40 seconds.

Passport pictures for other countries

Other documents for the Nepal

Popular Visas and travel document:

See all (255)
  • Country: India
  • Doc: Visa
  • Size: 2x2 inch
  • Online: Yes
  • Country: Russian Federation
  • Doc: Visa
  • Size: 35x45 mm (3.5x4.5 cm)
  • Online: Yes
  • Country: Singapore
  • Doc: Visa
  • Size: 400x514 px (40x51.4 cm)
  • Online: Yes
  • Country: China
  • Doc: Visa
  • Size: 354x472 px (35.4x47.2 cm)
  • Online: Yes

Other goverment documents:

See all (450)
others documents
  • Country: Others
  • Doc: Photo
  • Size: 35x40 mm (3.5x4 cm)
  • Online: Yes
others documents
  • Country: India
  • Doc: Employment authorization
  • Size: 2x2 inch
  • Online: Yes
others documents
  • Country: Others
  • Doc: Photo
  • Size: 2x2 inch
  • Online: Yes
others documents
  • Country: Pakistan
  • Doc: Employment authorization
  • Size: 350x467 px (35x46.7 cm)
  • Online: Yes