Refund Policy

At, we strive to ensure the utmost level of client contentment while adhering to all pertinent legal requirements. Our Refund Guidelines have been meticulously formulated to align with European legislation, safeguarding and upholding the rights of our users. Please review the following guidelines to understand our refund and return process for our automatic photo processing service.

Reimbursement Qualifications

For a user to qualify for reimbursement, these conditions must be satisfied:

  • The processed image does not meet the specific document criteria, even though the user provided an appropriate selfie or photo adhering to the initial guidelines.
  • The user has contacted our support team to report the issue and furnished all required information, enabling us to identify and resolve the problem.

Reimbursement Procedure

If a user is eligible for reimbursement based on the conditions above, the subsequent steps will be taken:

  • The user must submit a reimbursement request to our support team within 14 days of obtaining the processed image.
  • When we receive the reimbursement request, our team will investigate the matter and determine if reimbursement is justified.
  • If the reimbursement request is granted, the user will receive a full refund of the service fee within 30 days of the approval.

Handling Processing Inaccuracies

In case of any processing inaccuracies, we are committed to delivering a swift and equitable resolution. If a user encounters a processing error, we will instantly return the complete amount to the user upon their initial request. Furthermore, we will provide the user with the preparation of a photo for any selected document at no additional charge. This pledge exemplifies our dedication to client satisfaction and the quality of our service.

Restriction of Accountability's responsibility for any claims concerning our services or processed images is limited to the amount paid by the user for the specific service. Under no circumstances shall be held accountable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages stemming from or connected to the utilization of our service or any processed images.

Governing Legislation

This Refund Guideline will be governed and interpreted following the laws of the United States and the European Union, disregarding their conflict of law provisions.

Alterations to Our Refund Guidelines has the right to modify or revise this Refund Guideline at any time without prior notification. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised policy on our website. Your continued usage of our service signifies your agreement to be bound by the then-current Refund Guideline.

Contact Details

If you have inquiries or concerns about our Refund Guidelines or need assistance with a reimbursement request, kindly contact our support team at [email protected]. By utilizing's services, you acknowledge and consent to our Refund Guidelines, crafted to safeguard your rights and guarantee our compliance with all relevant  European legal requirements. We pride ourselves on our commitment to client satisfaction and the excellence of our automatic photo processing service.