Free DV Lottery Photo Tool for US Green Card 2026

Update data as of October - November 2024 to meet US Embassy requirements for participation in the US Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery. Simply upload your selfies and get a finished photo that can be uploaded to your DV Lottery profile.

US visa photo
2inch 2inch 1.29inch 1.18inch

Source: official website

Get photo for: US Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery (600x600 px, 2x2 inches, white bg)

Step 1/4

Ensuring Government Photo Compliance

We place a high priority on protecting the privacy and security of your information. When it comes to processing photographs from your smartphone for formal government papers, our web platform makes use of intelligence and compliance procedures.

US Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery Photo Generator

Photo Generator for the United States Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery For the sake of identification, it is essential that you include the photograph in your application (application). The immigration officers will be able to verify your identify with the help of this screenshot. You will have no trouble taking this picture at home with a digital camera or a smartphone if you follow the instructions that have been provided. Find out how the procedure works below!

How to Create a Compliant DV Lottery Photo

If you’d like to make your own photo for a DV Lottery photo, saving you the trouble of making an appointment with a professional photographer and turning up in person, there are a few important steps you’ll need to follow.

  1. Choose a document "DV Lottery photo" in widget
  2. Take your photo and upload it to our photo tool. Be sure to follow the required guidelines for a biometric picture.
  3. Fine-tune your photo using our platform. will automatically optimize your image to meet key requirements, like proper lighting and centering.
  4. Download your image. You are now ready to use the digital file as you like.

Technical parameters and dimensions for photo approval on the DV Lottery

Following US visa picture criteria is very essential for successful US Green Card applications. Key requirements include a recent picture (shot within the last month) sized 2x2 inch, a light and simple backdrop, a neutral attitude, and an unobstructed, full-face view, background colour - White. Except for religious reasons, avoid wearing glasses, headgear, or throwing shadows. Following these United States visa picture rules helps to guarantee a smooth application procedure.

The table below shows the official basic and main technical requirements:

Layout, size and scale by indentation for the US visa
  • Name of document US Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery (600x600 px, 2x2 inches, white bg)
  • Country United States
  • Type of document visa
  • Quality 300
  • Background color
  • Photo size Width: 2inch, Height: 2inch
  • Approve for requiments United States Yes
  • Image definition parameters Correct for requiments
  • Printable Yes
  • Suitable for online submission No

*Data from government agencies

DV Lottery Photo Requirements 2024

Make sure to check how your photo will appear when printed to get the result. Save your photo in the format as instructed. It's important to understand the specifications, for passport and visa photos. Here are some common requirements: Prize Icon

Technical requirements if you are going to process the photo yourself through Photoshop or other services:

Photo Size and Format Specifications

In the United States, a photo for visa photo must be 2x2 inch in size. Photographs that deviate from these requirements will not be considered and will have to be retaken by the applicant.


US Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery photos must be taken in color to help officials identify you. Furthermore, the picture should be taken against a neutral background, white or off-white in color. This helps to ensure that the photograph is clear and that it stands out as it should, without any distractions. You should not digitally enhance your photograph; this includes adjusting the color balance.

Resolution and file size (in KB or MB)

It’s important that your US Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery photograph is high-quality and clear, as this will make it easier for border officials to make it out and compare it to you. To that end, you should ensure that you use a resolution of no less than 300 DPI (dots per inch). Ideally, you should use a resolution of at least 600 DPI, but between 300 and 600 should be fine. Just remember, the clearer and more satisfactory your picture, the less likely your application is to be rejected; aim for a file size of between 1 MB and 15 MB.

Attire, clothing, dress code

When you take a picture for a Kenya visa, there is a particular dress code you must adhere to. The main points of this dress code are that you must:

    Wear normal, everyday clothes.
  • Avoid wearing uniforms or camouflage clothing.
  • Avoid head coverings or headgear.
  • Avoid eyeglasses, including both sunglasses and spectacles.

If you adhere to these simple instructions and ensure that your picture is well-lit and of a high quality, your photograph should be satisfactory.

Image definition parameters

It’s essential that the photo quality is satisfactory. Ensure your picture is clear and properly focused, free of blur or noise. You should also make sure that it isn’t visibly pixelated and that it has been printed onto either matte or glossy photographic paper, as opposed to plain printer paper.

Background and Lighting Guidelines

An US Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery picture must have both sufficient detail and high contrast. So, to ensure that your photograph is suitable, be sure to take it against a plain, neutral background, either white or off-white in color. This is important, as it helps you stand out in the picture. Additionally, be careful that there is no shadow in the photo, particularly any obscuring the face.

Example photos:

Below are examples of correct and incorrect photos

Examples of photos, how to correctly make a visa photo US

Detailed instructions on how to make your own photo for DV Lottery 2025

Using our application makes it simple to create a DV Lottery photo according to rules. Just follow these basic guidelines:

1. Step 1: Take Your Photo

Snap your picture with a digital camera or a decent smartphone. Check that your backdrop is either plain white or off-white. Taken within the last six months, the picture should clearly represent how you look currently.

How to take selfies for a visa

Clean background. More light. Not a blurry photo.
Watch "How to take a photo" (00:46)

2. Upload your photo to PhotoGov AI

Next, upload your image and process it through our site. Post your picture to our tool here. It will crop the picture to the proper head size, automatically resize it to 600x600 pixels, and check whether the background satisfies the necessary criteria.

Upload your visa photo to PhotoGov Upload your visa photo to PhotoGov

3. Receive your Passport Photo

Finally, you can download your ID photo. These images can be printed off, or you can simply use them as digital photos.


Tips for Avoiding Common Mistakes

Body-camera distance

A visa picture must show the person's upper torso, with their head and hair completely visible for simple identification. Put your camera roughly five to seven feet (1.5 to two meters) away to achieve this. To identify one that works, we advise shooting several images at different distances.


Though a visa image is merely a headshot, your posture really affects the final result. Remain comfortable but also stand as straight as you can. Look straight ahead into the camera to allow it to observe your face as well as you might like.

Lighting in general

Your picture need to be shadowless and adequately illuminated. This is crucial as it ensures that your characteristics might be properly expressed. As well as in front and behind you, try to make sure you get equal light from both sides.

Can i take my visa picture at home?

So long as you’re willing to put in the effort to take a good photograph, there’s nothing stopping you from taking your visa picture at home. Simply follow these steps:

  • Observe the proper dress code.
  • Ensure your area is well-lit.
  • Take the picture up against a neutral background.

How to take a US Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery photo using a phone

So long as your smartphone has a good quality camera, you can certainly use it to take a picture for your visa. With that being said, however, selfies are not acceptable, so follow these steps:

  • Ask someone to take your picture for you.
  • Position them 5-7 feet away so that only your upper body is in the shot.
  • Alternatively, use a tripod set up between 5-7 feet away. Move it as necessary to get the perfect picture.

How to take US Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery photos for babies and kids

When taking pictures of babies and children for visa, many of the same rules apply; for example, they must still adhere to the dress code, and the photograph must be high-quality and well-lit. With that being said, the State Department is generally more forgiving when it comes to the neutral expression requirement.

  • If you are photographing a newborn:
  • Spread a white sheet out over the floor.
  • Place the baby down on the sheet and take their photograph against it.

For slightly older babies:

  • Prop them up in a child’s chair against a white sheet.
  • If they are still unable to hold up their head, prop it up for them using a hand behind the sheet. Ensure no one else is visible in the shot.

Tools based on artificial intelligence

PhotoGov Features

Our online passport photo tool offers several features to help you create the perfect photo:


We've built-in a cutting feature that lets you cut new Green Card photos so that their edges are even. This lets you make your picture look better and make sure it's the right size for your visa.


The size of your photo will be resized automatically in PhotoGov, so the final product will be the perfect size that fits your visa perfectly. You also won't have to think about compressing or stretching the photo and losing quality.

Background removal

If you can’t find a neutral background against which you can take a satisfactory picture, don’t worry; we have a background removal tool that can help you achieve the same results.


With the click of a button, you can have our auto-adjustment tool immediately optimize your image to meet brightness, color, and contrast standards. Laurel Icon

Why Choose PhotoGov for Your DV Lottery Photo?

100% compliance with the DV Lottery requirements

The Photogov service is built entirely around the official photography requirements for entry into the US DV Lottery. More than 70,000 people have already successfully tested with us over 4 years. Therefore, all our photos exactly meet all the parameters.

Wide editing functionality

With cropping, resizing, auto-adjustment, and background removal functions, PhotoGov makes getting a visa picture as easy as possible. Using our platform, you can ensure that your photograph meets all the necessary requirements with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Absolutely free of charge

You can get a correct photo completely free of charge, for this purpose our AI Photogov Free server works in queue mode and processes the photo for free. Take photos in advance, because in the last days there are big queues for processing photos for green card.

No expensive equipment, only your phone

With our online passport photo service, you don't need any expensive photography equipment to get high-quality passport photos. All you need is a smartphone or digital camera and an internet connection, and you can upload your photo to our platform and have it processed in seconds.

No need to go to a photo studio

Our online service eliminates the need to visit a photo studio or photo booth to get your passport photos taken. This can save you time and money on travel, and means you can get your photos taken from the comfort of your own home or office.

No specialized skills required

Using our online passport picture service does not need any specialised skills or experience. Our software processes your picture using modern AI and machine learning algorithms, ensuring that it fits all official standards. This means you don't need any prior skill with photo editing tools or composition to produce high-quality passport photographs.

Where to get a DV Lottery photo offline?

Pharmacies and drug stores

Pharmaceutical retailers Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid provide in-store passport photo services. Expect a $15 fee for most services.

Shipping centers

UPS, FedEx, and other delivery facilities provide passport photo services like drugstores. Considering external passport imaging providers? It's also abot $15.

Post offices and other passport acceptance agents

Post offices and businesses of a similar nature are usually ready for passport applications and involve providing picture sessions. Keeping the pricing constancy as shown above, you should usually pay about $15 ballpark.

Retail stores

Retail stores often provide aside spaces designed for passport photo sessions, therefore guaranteeing professional images in compliance with standards. Every place will set its own rate, but generally you can expect a reasonable range of prices.


  • The Diversity Visa Lottery (DV Lottery) is held every year by the U.S. Department of State. The US gives 50,000 Green Cards to countries with low population rates. Winners were chosen at random.
  • Photos for the DV Lottery must be JPEG files with 600x600 pixels and no more than 240 KB. The picture has to be from the last six months and have a white or off-white background. Keep your eyes wide and your face in the middle.
  • Use PhotoGov's free online service to upload and check your picture. This app resizes, cuts, and checks the background and other factors automatically to make sure your picture meets DV Lottery requirements. You can also pre-check your photo through the online service “dv lottery photo checker”
  • Your application may be turned down if your picture doesn't follow the rules for the DV Lottery. Use a site like PhotoGov to make sure your picture meets all the standards before you send it in.
  • It's crucial that your photo is taken within the past six months to accurately represent your current appearance. Out-of-date photos may lead to delays or rejections during the application process.
  • You can join the DV Lottery once a year when you apply. Multiple entries in a year are not accepted. If you are turned down, you can try again in the following years.
  • To do this, upload a photo, select a DV Lottery document, then the shared AI Photogov server processes the photo on a first-come, first-served basis, where the average wait time is from a few minutes to a couple hours. If you don't want to wait, you can always skip the queue for 3-5 dollars per photo.

Passport pictures for other countries

Other documents for the United States

Popular Passports:

See all (209)
  • Country: France
  • Doc: Passport
  • Size: 35x45 mm (3.5x4.5 cm)
  • Online: Yes
  • Country: Nepal
  • Doc: Passport
  • Size: 35x45 mm (3.5x4.5 cm)
  • Online: Yes
  • Country: Turkey
  • Doc: Passport
  • Size: 50x60 mm (5x6 cm)
  • Online: Yes
  • Country: Greece
  • Doc: Passport
  • Size: 40x60 mm (4x6 cm)
  • Online: Yes

Other goverment documents:

See all (450)
others documents
  • Country: United Arab Emirates
  • Doc: Employment authorization
  • Size: 35x45 mm (3.5x4.5 cm)
  • Online: Yes
others documents
  • Country: India
  • Doc: Employment authorization
  • Size: 2x2 inch
  • Online: Yes
others documents
  • Country: Others
  • Doc: Photo
  • Size: 40x40 mm (4x4 cm)
  • Online: Yes
others documents
  • Country: India
  • Doc: Employment authorization
  • Size: 25x35 mm (2.5x3.5 cm)
  • Online: Yes