Easily create a Singapore Visa Photo using our convenient and free service

Just upload a photo from your smartphone. We'll convert it into a properly sized passport photo that meets all official criteria. You can be confident that your photos will be accepted without any issues. At the core of our service is safeguarding your data, ensuring its security. Our online platform uses technology to process photos from your phone for official documents ensuring they comply with government photo standards. A crucial part of any application is including a photograph that helps immigration authorities verify your identity. You can easily capture this image at home using a smartphone or digital camera by following the provided instructions. Learn below!

  • profile-icon Auto-crop the photo to fit the Singapore visa size (free online tool)
  • document-icon Full document requirements for photos
  • document-icon How to get a photo - tutorial
SG visa photo
514px 400px 74% 9%

Get photo for: Singapore visa online 400x514 px

Step 1/4

Follow these steps to create Singapore Visa Photos and skip the hassle of booking an appointment with a photographer.

  1. Choose Document Type. Select the document type you need a photo for on PhotoGov.com, such, as passport or visa.
  2. Take and Upload Photo. Capture your picture. Upload it to our Singapore Visa photo maker while following the picture guidelines.
  3. Ensure your photo looks top notch. Use our platform to enhance your image. PhotoGov.com automatically adjusts your photo to meet standards, including lighting and composition.
  4. Prepare your image for use. Download the photo. Use it wherever you need.

Rules and Dimensions for Photos Needed for Singapore Visa

Official Main Technical Requirements:

Layout, size and scale by indentation for the SG visa
  • Name of document Singapore visa online 400x514 px
  • Country Singapore
  • Type of document Visa
  • Quality 300 DPI
  • Background Color White
  • Photo Size Width: 400px, Height: 514px
  • Approval for Requirements Yes
  • Image Definition Correct for requirements
  • Printable Yes
  • Suitable for Online Submission No

*Data from government agencies

For the results make sure the photo is clear and of high quality with a resolution of at least 300 DPI ideally falling between 300 and 600 DPI. Keep the file size between 1 MB and 15 MB to ensure quality.

Photogov.com Prize Icon

Regarding attire and dress code

Dress in regular clothing. Stay away from uniforms or camouflage attire. Do not wear head coverings or glasses unless it’s for specific reasons. Make sure the photo is well lit and sharp.

Image Clarity.

The picture should be sharp. Focused, without any blurriness or noise. Avoid pixelation by printing on matte or glossy photographic paper of plain printer paper.

Background, Contrast and Shadows

Ensure the photo has detail and contrast. Take it against a white or off-white background to make yourself stand out. Watch out for shadows on your face. For an application process it is important to follow the photo guidelines for Singapore Visa. Important requirements include a photo (taken recently) that's 400x514 pixels in size showing a simple background, with good lighting, a neutral facial expression and a clear full-face view.

How to Capture Your Singapore Visa Photo

Tips for Taking Photos.

1. Camera Distance.

Make sure your upper body is visible including your head and hair. Position the camera 5-7 feet (1.5-2 meters) away and take shots at distances to choose the best one.

How to take selfies for a visa

2. Posture

Stand tall but relaxed. Look into the camera to capture a view of your face.

Upload your visa photo to PhotoGov Upload your visa photo to PhotoGov

3. Lighting

Ensure lighting without any shadows. Balanced lighting from all sides (front, sides and back) works best.


Photographing Babies and Children

Follow guidelines for babies and kids.

For newborns. Place the baby on a sheet laid on the floor for the photo.

For babies. Use a child’s chair with a white sheet backdrop. If needed support the baby’s head with a hand, behind the sheet.

Tools based on artificial intelligence

PhotoGov FeaturesPhotoGov Utilizing Artificial Intelligence


Adjust photo dimensions as needed.


Modify photo size for a fit.

Background Removal

Eliminate backgrounds.

Auto adjustment

Enhance brightness, color and contrast automatically.

Photogov.com Laurel Icon

Reasons to choose PhotoGov

User Friendly Interface

Simplified design for navigation.

Extensive Editing Options

Includes cropping, resizing, auto adjustment and background removal features.

Range of Document Support

Accommodates photos for passports, IDs, visas, citizenship applications, licenses and work permits.

No Need for Equipment

Simply use a smartphone or digital camera with internet connectivity to upload and edit your photo.

Convenience at Your Fingertips

Skip the trip, to a photo studio or booth. get your photos processed from the comfort of your home.

No Specialized Skills Required

Advanced AI technology and machine learning algorithms ensure that your photo meets all specifications without requiring expertise in editing photos.

Where to make a Photo for Singapore Visa

Pharmacies and Drug Stores. Places like Walgreens, CVS and Rite Aid
Shipping Centers. UPS, FedEx and similar
Post Offices and Passport Acceptance Agents. Many post offices offer photo services around the price point.
Retail Stores. Different retail stores have designated areas for photoshoots with rates.

At all the places prices range at around $15.


  • You only need to submit one high quality photo that meets all specifications. Be sure to confirm the requirements for documents before submission.
  • You'll want to get a good print on either matte or glossy photo paper not your printer paper. You also can head to a photo service shop. Utilize our tool for printing from the comfort of your home.
  • Utilize our PhotoGov tool for a notch sized image. This ensures a distortion free result.
  • Photos taken at pharmacies, shipping centers or retail stores usually fall within the $15 range. Opting for a photographer may incur costs.
  • Carefully review the requirements outlined by the State Department. Utilize a passport photo template to ensure head positioning and distance from the camera.
  • Make sure the lighting is even avoiding any shadows choose a white background and capture a high-resolution image with a neutral expression.
  • Your picture should be taken within the six months to show your appearance accurately.
  • Yes, mobile applications designed for Passport and Visa photos can help in producing pictures.
  • Simply follow the instructions on the PhotoGov website go through the process submit the service fee and receive a resolution picture via email. PhotoGov assures that your image will meet all document criteria. If there is an option for free photo processing, for your document you will receive the completed picture within 30-40 seconds after providing your email.

Passport pictures for other countries

Other documents for the Singapore

Popular Passports:

See all (209)
  • Country: China
  • Doc: Passport
  • Size: 33x48 mm (3.3x4.8 cm)
  • Online: No
  • Country: Greece
  • Doc: Passport
  • Size: 40x60 mm (4x6 cm)
  • Online: Yes
  • Country: Japan
  • Doc: Passport
  • Size: 35x45 mm (3.5x4.5 cm)
  • Online: Yes
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Doc: Passport
  • Size: 35x45 mm (3.5x4.5 cm)
  • Online: No

Other goverment documents:

See all (450)
others documents
  • Country: United Arab Emirates
  • Doc: Employment authorization
  • Size: 35x40 mm (3.5x4 cm)
  • Online: Yes
others documents
  • Country: Pakistan
  • Doc: Employment authorization
  • Size: 350x467 px (35x46.7 cm)
  • Online: Yes
others documents
  • Country: India
  • Doc: Driving license
  • Size: 35x45 mm (3.5x4.5 cm)
  • Online: Yes
others documents
  • Country: United States
  • Doc: Employment authorization
  • Size: 2x2 inch
  • Online: Yes